天边 新手上路
天边 发表于 2007-6-21 18:09:41

A House By The River-河边的房子...一定如隐者恬淡,梦境般的安宁,歌词也写的如此富有诗意,就象李清照的宋词一样美涣美仑,ALLAN TAYLOR的嗓音实在太具有磁性了,低沉的,轻轻的震动着,带你走到河边的小屋旁,看着慈祥的房东正在壁炉前打着瞌睡,一只白色小猫盘踞着餐桌上一只鱼头....歌词的旋律没有什么大起大落,平叙简单中更显隐士情怀.最后,编曲中,吉他的环绕,特别是那水晶般的泛音,以及风笛的悠远......

[ 本帖最后由 天边 于 2007-6-21 18:32 编辑 ]
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发表于 2007-6-26 06:49:44 |只看该作者
在英国享有极其崇高地位的民谣诗人Allan Taylor,在发烧名厂B&W发行了他有生以来评价最高的专辑《Colour to the moon》,发行之初就受到英国泰晤士报4颗星的极高评价,成果丰硕,同时这张录音极佳的年度专辑,留声机杂志也给予了极高的赞誉。

60年代就已红便英国民谣乐坛的Allan Taylor,以吉他和民谣风征服了英国及爱尔兰,他的乐风影响了Dire Straitv、Fairport Convention、Steeleye Span等民谣摇滚巨将,他在乐坛的地位是无庸置疑的。
发表于 2007-6-21 18:41:54 |只看该作者
民谣诗人Allan Taylor,60年代就已红遍英国民谣乐坛。他有着歌手、吉他手、音乐家、诗人等多重身分,以吉他和民谣风征服了英国及爱尔兰,他在乐坛的地位是无庸置疑的。低沉醇厚的嗓音、充满Beat Generation风格的诗意歌词、耐听优美的曲调,与稳健幽雅的吉他演奏,这些特色造就了Allan Taylor独特的魅力。
Allan Taylor的嗓音 也被誉为耳朵的按摩师。歌曲当中伴奏的吉他弹奏,花样不多,却充满了柔软弹性与金属光泽的美感。所谓撩动心铉,就在这轻轻的几个手指。一位走过人生大半的民谣诗人,他的旋律、他的歌词记录着深刻的人生感悟。在深夜来临之际,悠悠打开自己的音响,让Taylor带我们一同上路,让我们一同行走在生命的旅程中.

A House By The River

You traded all your lover

for a house by the river

And all those sweet deceptions

and one more broken vow

And the dark-eyed poets

who promised you forever

Tell me,where are they now

Where are they now

You were always running

just one more step ahead

And just like all the others

I was following somehow

Was it something I wasn't saying

something I should have said

Tell me,where am I now

Where am I now

Now sweet solitude surrounds you

like a blanket of wind heather

You are one with the land

and the sky somehow

And the seasons sway yin sympathy

as you dance in time together

Tell me,where are you now

Where are you now

I will write a song for you

and try to fill this space

And I'll take the time in passing

to wonder from afar

Maybe I'll try to find you

though you never left a trace

And maybe then I will know:

who you are

Maybe then I will know

who you are
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